

Please refer to the scc FAQ, scc-win FAQ, scc-srv FAQ and the known limitations when you run into problems. Next to the released files, the latest source tgz files of scc, scc-win and scc-srv are also available for download.

Several people and companies contributed to SCC. Usage of these contributions to SCC is on your own risk. They give no warranty and are not responsible for problems caused by the modifications/extensions. Please test new releases of scc and scc-srv before deploying the software on your production systems.

As the download of scc-win contains software from putty, we copy the following warning:
"LEGAL WARNING: Use of PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP and Plink is illegal in countries where encryption is outlawed. If in doubt, you should seek legal advice before downloading it. You may find this site useful (it's a survey of cryptography laws in many countries), but I can't vouch for its correctness."

MD5 sums of the downloads are available here. All scc/scc-srv packages/depots/rpms use the same code base. The following releases and downloads are available:

format scc scc-srv
source scc-1.26.73.src.tar.gz scc-srv-1.19.44.src.tar.gz
RPM scc-1.26.73-1.noarch.rpm scc-srv-1.19.44-1.noarch.rpm
package (Debian) scc_1.26.73-1_all.deb scc-srv_1.19.44-1_all.deb
package (Slackware) scc-1.26.73-noarch-1.tgz scc-srv-1.19.44-noarch-1.tgz
pacman (Arch Linux/Frugalware) scc-1.26.73-1.pkg.tar.gz scc-srv-1.19.44-1.pkg.tar.gz
package (FreeBSD) scc-1.26.73.FreeBSD.txz scc-srv-1.19.44.FreeBSD.tgz
package (DragonFlyBSD) scc-1.26.73.DragonFlyBSD.txz scc-srv-1.19.44.DragonFlyBSD.tgz
package (NetBSD) scc-1.26.73.NetBSD.tgz scc-srv-1.19.44.NetBSD.tgz
package (OpenBSD) scc-1.26.73.tgz scc-srv-1.19.44.OpenBSD.tgz
PET package (PuppyLinux)
pacman (ttylinux) scc-1.26.73-i486.tbz scc-srv-1.19.44-i486.tbz
tazpkg (slitaz) scc-1.26.73.tazpkg scc-srv-1.19.44.tazpkg
installp package (AIX) do it yourself do it yourself
SD-UX (HP-UX) do it yourself do it yourself
package (Solaris) scc-1.26.73.sunos.pkg scc-srv-1.19.44.sunos.pkg
esxi VIB package scc-1.26.73.vib not available
Windows exe scc-win-1.10.38.msi Not available
Windows source scc-win-1.10.38.src.tar.gz Not available

The project is registered at Sourceforge. Access the repository here. Use the trunk directories of scc, scc-srv and scc-win for the latest and greatest.

Note that release 1.24 of scc requires at least release 1.18 of scc-srv as the new format for data transfer from scc to scc-srv is now used by scc.

Note that the data hierarchy of scc-srv is still present on a system after removing the software. You have to remove this hierarchy manually.

Please refer to the examples for the OS versions on which scc and scc-srv have been tested.


Install release 1.26.73-1 of scc and release 1.19.44-1 of scc-srv with the following commands:

	rpm -U ./scc-1.26.73-1.noarch.rpm
	rpm -U ./scc-srv-1.19.44-1.noarch.rpm

When rpm complains that the package "is for a different operating system", please add the --ignoreos option to the command line.

Note that scc is run during the pre- and post-install phases. In these phases, rpm and yum cannot produce any data as their database is locked. This means that the snapshot does not contain any rpm and yum data after a fresh install. This data is collected during the next (manual or scheduled) run of scc. The remark in the log file for this run indicates that the snapshot contains rpm/yum data. Upon upgrading, the run after the upgrade will collect new rpm data and reports the upgrade of scc in the logbook.

Packages on Debian

Install release 1.26.73-1 of scc and release 1.19.44-1 of scc-srv with the following commands:

	dpkg -i ./scc_1.26.73-1_all.deb
	dpkg -i ./scc-srv_1.19.44-1_all.deb

Depending on the configuration, dpkg can ask for confirmation to use the old or the new configuration files. As the only configuration files for scc reside in the newconfig directory and have to be activated manually, use the --force-confnew option to keep them up-to-date.

Packages on Slackware

Note: the package software of Slackware does not provide a preinstall script. Therefore you have to run scc manually before installing a new release of scc. Otherwise the changes, made after the last run of scc and before the install of the new release, are not recorded in the logbook.

Install release 1.26.73 of scc and release 1.19.44 of scc-srv with the following commands:

	installpkg scc-1.26.73-noarch-1.tgz
	installpkg scc-srv-1.19.44-noarch-1.tgz

To upgrade existing installations of scc and scc-srv, use the following commands:

	/opt/scc/bin/scc		# catch last changes 
	upgradepkg scc-1.26.73-noarch-1.tgz
	upgradepkg scc-srv-1.19.44-noarch-1.tgz

After removing scc or scc-srv, the data directories remain on the system and have to be removed manually.

Packages (pacman and pacman-g2)

Install or upgrade to release 1.26.73 of scc and release 1.19.44 of scc-srv with the following commands:

	pacman -U ./scc-1.26.73-1.pkg.tar.gz
	pacman -U ./scc-srv-1.19.44-1.pkg.tar.gz

Use the --noarch option for pacman-g2 (Frugalware).

Packages on FreeBSD

The software is installed in /usr/local/bin and the data resides in /usr/local/share/scc. Make sure that the package files are in the current directory and install release 1.26.73 of scc and release 1.19.44 of scc-srv with the following commands:

	pkg install -y scc-1.26.73.FreeBSD.txz
	pkg install scc-srv-1.19.44.FreeBSD.tgz

Packages on DragonFlyBSD

The software is installed in /usr/local/bin and the data resides in /usr/local/share/scc. Make sure that the package files are in the current directory and install release 1.26.73 of scc and release 1.19.44 of scc-srv with the following commands:

	pkg install -y scc-1.26.73.DragonFlyBSD.txz
	pkg install scc-srv-1.19.44.DragonFlyBSD.tgz

Note that the software has been build for DragonFlyBSD 5 on an i386 architecture. Installing it on other versions of DragonFlyBSD will succeed, but pkg install will complain about the different OS version. When pkg install refuses to install the software, download the source and generate the DragonFlyBSD packages with the scripts: dragonflybsd-gen-scc and dragonflybsd-gen-scc-srv.

Packages on NetBSD

Make sure that the package files are in the current directory and install release 1.26.73 of scc and release 1.19.44 of scc-srv with the following commands:

	pkg_add scc
	pkg_add scc-srv

Use the -u option to upgrade an already installed version of the software. When you remove scc, it runs one more time to collect data. This has to be done as the removal is also part of a regular upgrade. After the deinstall, the installation directory is removed. The data and configuration directories are still present.

Note that scc is run during the postinstall phase. In that phase, pkg_info cannot produce any data. This means that the snapshot does not contain any pkg_info data after a fresh install. This data is collected during the next (manual or scheduled) run of scc. The remark in the log file for this run indicates that the snapshot contains pkg_info data. Upon upgrading, the run after the upgrade will collect new pkg_info data and reports the upgrade of scc in the logbook.

The software has been build for NetBSD 7.1 and x86_64 architecture. Installing it on other versions of NetBSD will succeed, but pkg_add will complain about the different OS version. To avoid this, you can download the source and generate the NetBSD packages with the scripts: netbsd-gen-scc and netbsd-gen-scc-srv.

Packages on OpenBSD

The software is installed in the /usr/local hierarchy. Make sure that the package files are in the current directory and install release 1.26.73 of scc and release 1.19.44 of scc-srv with the following commands:

	pkg_add -r -D unsigned scc-1.25.35.tgz
	pkg_add -D unsigned scc-srv

Add the -r option when upgrading an existing version. Please ignore the messsages concerning an 'uninitialized value in hash element'.

Note that scc is run during the postinstall phase. In that phase, pkg_info cannot produce any data. This means that the snapshot does not contain any pkg_info data after a fresh install. This data is collected during the next (manual or scheduled) run of scc. The remark in the log file for this run indicates that the snapshot contains pkg_info data. Upon upgrading, the run after the upgrade will collect new pkg_info data and reports the upgrade of scc in the logbook.

PET packages on PuppyLinux

Note: the package software of PuppyLinux does not provide a preinstall script. Therefore you have to run scc manually before installing a new release. Otherwise the changes, made after the last run of scc and before the install of the new release, are not recorded in the logbook. The warning from the client postinstall script about the missing lockfile can be ignored.

Install release 1.26.73 of scc and release 1.19.44 of scc-srv with the following commands:

	/opt/scc/bin/scc		# catch last changes 
	petget $(pwd)/
	petget $(pwd)/

pacman on ttylinux

Note: the package software of ttylinux does not provide a preinstall script. Therefore you have to run scc manually before installing a new release. Otherwise the changes, made after the last run of scc and before the install of the new release, are not recorded in the logbook. The warning from the client postinstall script about the missing lockfile can be ignored.

Pacman checks for the architecture in the name of the package. SCC consists of scripts only and can run on any architecture. Rename the package to your architecture and install. Install release 1.26.73 of scc and release 1.19.44 of scc-srv with the following commands:

	/opt/scc/bin/scc		# catch last changes 
	pacman -e scc-prev_version
	pacman -i ./scc-1.26.73-i486.tbz

	pacman -e scc-srv-prev_version
	pacman -i ./scc-srv-1.19.44-i486.tbz

Before upgrading scc, the previous version should be run and removed with the -e option.

On default installs of ttylinux the scc-srv software will not function. The package is added for those who install the required additional software: apache.

Packages on Slitaz

Install or upgrade to release 1.26.73 of scc and release 1.19.44 of scc-srv with the following commands:

	tazpkg install ./scc-1.26.73.tazpkg
	tazpkg install ./scc-srv-1.19.44.tazpkg

Use the --forced option to upgrade an already installed version of the software.

Installp packages on AIX

To generate these packages, you require /usr/sbin/mkinstallp from bos.adt.insttools to run installp-gen-scc and installp-gen-scc-srv. Then install or upgrade to release 1.26.73 of scc and release 1.19.44 of scc-srv with the following commands:

	installp -a -d ./scc. scc
	installp -a -d ./scc-srv. scc-srv

We have not installed recent versions of the installp AIX packages.

SD-UX depots on HP-UX

To generate these packages, you require swpackage to run hpux-gen-scc and hpux-gen-scc-srv. Then install release 1.26.73 of scc and release 1.19.44 of scc-srv with the following commands:

	swinstall -s $(pwd)/scc-1.26.73.hpux.depot scc
	swinstall -s $(pwd)/scc-srv-1.19.44.hpux.depot scc-srv

To register both depots, use the commands:

	swreg -l depot $(pwd)/scc-1.26.73.hpux.depot
	swreg -l depot $(pwd)/scc-srv-1.19.44.hpux.depot

To copy both products to an existing depot, use the commands:

	swcopy -s $(pwd)/scc-1.26.73.hpux.depot scc @ /your/depot
	swcopy -s $(pwd)/scc-srv-1.19.44.hpux.depot scc-srv @ /your/depot

We have not installed recent versions of the SD-UX packages.

Packages on Solaris

Both scc and scc-srv require the XPG4 software (SUNWxcu4) on the system to work correctly. The packages can be installed on sparc and intel architectures. Install release 1.26.73 of scc and release 1.19.44 of scc-srv in the Global zone with the following commands:

	pkgadd -G -d ./scc-1.26.73.sunos.pkg -a none scc
	pkgadd -G -d ./scc-srv-1.19.44.sunos.pkg -a none scc-srv

During the installation, you will be asked whether the installation-scripts should run. Use the following admin-file and the -n option for pkgadd to fully automate the installation process.


Note that installs in a zone will fail for release prior to S10_73. Use pkgtrans to transfer the contents of the pkg-file to a directory structure and then install from the directory.

VIB packages on esxi

The scc-srv VIB package is not available as a hypervisor is not a feasable host for running scc-srv. Install or update to release 1.26.73 of scc with the following commands:

	esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/scc.1.26.73.vib -f
	esxcli software vib update -v /tmp/scc.1.26.73.vib -f

The -f option is required to avoid a failure with message "violates extensibility rule checks".

The snapshot, logbook and keep-file are preserved on persistent storage (in contrast with the in memory file system) in /locker/scc. Edit vib-gen-scc to change this location. Without this presistent storage, the logbook is emptied on each reboot.

The acceptance level has to be set to ComunityLevel as the vib is not signed by VMware.


Use this method of installation when the native install format for your OS is not available. To install scc from source, use the following commands:

	# transfer src.tar.gz to your host
	tar zxf scc-1.26.73.src.tar.gz
	cd scc-1.26.73
	cd ..
	rm -rf scc-1.26.73.src.tar.gz scc-1.26.73

To install scc-srv from source, use the following commands:

	# transfer src.tar.gz to your host
	tar zxf scc-srv-1.19.44.src.tar.gz
	cd scc-srv-1.19.44
	cd ..
	rm -rf scc-srv-1.26.73.src.tar.gz scc-srv-1.26.73

The tarball contains scripts to generate all depots, rpms and packages after modifying the source-files. Refer to the relocate script when you want to install the software in non-default directories. Be sure to edit this script before using it and do not mix default and relocated packages on a single system.

Windows executable

Note that the 1.7 MSI file does not uninstall 1.6 installs. Use the following steps to upgrade from release 1.6.20 to 1.7.57:

  • run your current schedule of scc-win
  • uninstall release 1.6.20
  • install release 1.7.57
  • run your current schedule of scc-win

The download is 32-bit MSI installing the software in /Program Files (x86)/SCC that was built by means of the WIX toolset.

The server-part of scc is not available for Windows, only the client-part. The client software has been tested on Windows 7, 8 and 10 and is known to run on earlier Windows versions. Note that you need additional software on your Windows systems. The software requires perl. We tested the software with ActivePerl from Active State.

Note: the MSI does not provide a pre- and post-install. Run your own schedule of scc-win before and after the install of a new release. Otherwise the changes, made after the last run of scc and before the install of the new release, are not recorded in the logbook(s).

Note that after the first install of the client-software, the scheduling of scc-win has to be configured. You need to run scc-win with sufficient privileges. Running the software as domain administrator, even enables you to install the software on a single system and retrieve data from all other systems in your domain. Refer to the documentation of scc-collect for an overview of all options you can use to indicate what systems to collect data from.

Windows source

Unpack the archive to retrieve the build environment of the Windows client of SCC. You can adjust the source and use the WIX toolset via script msi.bat to generate the new MSI.

Do It Yourself

The software is not (yet) generated in this package format as we do not have access to the corresponding platform. The package generation has been scripted and is available in the source package. Download and unpack the source package and activate the script generating the software in the missing package format. The script will report any missing utilities.

MD5 sums

Here are the size in bytes and the MD5 sums of all the downloads:

     scc_1.26.73-1_all.deb                   289776 0acd54238d632aeb041ad1dc82d94cbc
     scc-1.26.73-1.noarch.rpm                306946 abfc991b43dde09fa483de4bdc76a3dd
     scc-1.26.73-1.pkg.tar.gz                287374 974a0d3240810df97e9d72d51d854df1
     scc-1.26.73.DragonFlyBSD.txz            219892 ffda4a707fe840916080cc5af97c6b2a
     scc-1.26.73.FreeBSD.txz                 219924 3da5144483c599c77326651077a4e1c9
     scc-1.26.73-i486.tbz                    224388 86b954f3a23ec33853f2b3681731af16
     scc-1.26.73.NetBSD.tgz                  287719 9a53fb3dcb9a6b438c22e55027e08047
     scc-1.26.73-noarch-1.tgz                284866 967dcf189b1ba8090747747ea4824e40                         287075 b8fe75abaa4eaf7a6c600ed4a3c253f8
     scc-1.26.73.src.tar.gz                  306973 0cc2f641f89e61407db5eb24af1a7172
     scc-1.26.73.sunos.pkg                  1140736 715b26d6af89ded851d1e87013297135
     scc-1.26.73.tazpkg                      275456 02c793bd5ac312af940a336177edb7e9
     scc-1.26.73.tgz                         288327 da0c3fa4e6e5f088027df3bb3379729e
     scc-1.26.73.vib                         287100 a80cef335c0cc345508602abeffeb972
     scc-srv_1.19.44-1_all.deb               215224 20e9b73a872def460cc284147fe1de69
     scc-srv-1.19.44-1.noarch.rpm            246512 4bb3b985bbe2f7f74d3f20a1806c3f8e
     scc-srv-1.19.44-1.pkg.tar.gz            212251 f6c65a577e39365a4c25d665172e95a0
     scc-srv-1.19.44.DragonFlyBSD.tgz        215474 99c5469fa3dc0f8f41025a38c97b9fc7
     scc-srv-1.19.44.FreeBSD.tgz             215470 e73c066b3239bfcb0f4fcb2bbc5f4ba7
     scc-srv-1.19.44-i486.tbz                133099 e1e5d9171f7674eabf2f731e25de2d8b
     scc-srv-1.19.44.NetBSD.tgz              215466 3cb9fc1dbd226905c21a9d3eb9c10456
     scc-srv-1.19.44-noarch-1.tgz            209895 b742c39bd0aaed3438eece3df9952cbf
     scc-srv-1.19.44.OpenBSD.tgz             216661 224290cb03939ed47a31c8cc0c7cc55c                     211608 84247598ac5f6fd497694e4e455c5bf6
     scc-srv-1.19.44.src.tar.gz              226616 ac272b911d376d5b1fd86a577a313d4e
     scc-srv-1.19.44.sunos.pkg               885760 edb922511688550922cb2b8666f20cac
     scc-srv-1.19.44.tazpkg                  195072 e2fd4d90ae8029de457cfac1c8895008
     scc-win-1.10.38.msi                    2428928 22d9eb826c84f40b1cdc5833e38d4f69
     scc-win-1.10.38.src.tar.gz             2396128 574f60416f54be0850046973c832b787

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