Searching in snapshots
This summary contains the result of searching in the snapshots of a realm. This page shows whether a match was found on all/some/none of the systems. The data is not sorted.
Searching in logbooks
This summary contains the result of searching in logbook(s) of a realm. This page shows whether a match was found on all/some/none of the systems. The most recent changes are shown first.
Searching in SMT-data
This summary contains the result of searching in the SMT-data of a realm. This page shows whether a match was found on all/some/none of the systems. The data is sorted on software-name. The SMT-data is determined by scc-smt, that uses the file custom/scc-smt-select to determine what installed software should be marked as System Management Tool.
Searching in Rules-data
This summary contains the result of searching in the messages of a realm. The messages are determined by scc-rules, that uses the optional filecustom/scc-rules.conf. The order of the data is determined by the rules in the configuration file.
Amount of results
When searching all systems, the matched data is limited to 10 lines per system. When only one system is searched, the matched data is limited to 1000 lines. To get all resulting data, switch to the command-line and use grep on the corresponding files. Except when none or all of the systems matched, a brief summary of the name, model and OS is shown shown for the non-matching systems.