

	scc-smt - summarize System Tools from SCC-snapshots


	scc-srv	1.19.44


	scc-smt [ -d|--directory <scc_web_path> ] <realm>


	This program extracts data from collected snapshots to produce html-files
	summarizing System Tools that are in use. The processing of the data is
	hard-coded in this program and is done for all software that is installed
	by package management software that is handled by the scc_0630_s_pkgmngt
	module in the client of scc.

	To use this program for software that is not installed by any of the 
	supported package management software, a general class
	of "fix:software:installed software::<name>:<version>" has been
	added to the processing of this program. 

	The data to be extracted is determined by the classifications 
	in the file <dir>/custom/scc-smt-select. When this file does not 
	exist, /var/opt/scc-srv/conf/scc-smt-select is used.

	The mode of the new files and the owner/group are derived from <dir>.
	For the permissions, only the read-attributes are considered.

	The summaries are only generated after new scc-data has arrived for the
	realm. When a realm does not receive new scc-data, scc-update does not
	run any command for the realm.
	Force immediate update by using: scc-update -f


	-d|--directory <scc_web_path>   Path under DocumentRoot, default is: "/"


	<realm>   The sub-directory (absolute path) with collected snapshots
	          where the summary of the System Tools is


	This program writes the following messages to stderr:

	Syntax error, use: scc-smt [ -d <scc_web_path> ] <realm>
	A syntax error has been detected.

	scc-smt: Syntax error, missing argument for option: <option>
	The argument for <option> is missing.

	scc-smt: directory <dir> does not exist
	The base directory for all the snapshots does not exist.

	scc-smt: file does not exist
	This file is generated by scc-summary(1) and should exist.

	scc-smt: file <conf>/scc-smt-select does not exist
	This file is required to indicate what software is considered System
	Tools. During install of scc, a default file is installed.


	This program uses the file that is generated by

	To start determining System Tools, you have to copy the default
	configuration file /var/opt/scc-srv/newconfig/scc-smt-select to the
	custom directory of a realm.

	When you edit the custom configuration file and you install a new version
	of scc-srv, scc-smt notifies on the generated page that the default 
	configuration file is different and more recent then the specific 
	configuration file in custom. In that case, check the default 
	file for additions/changes from the new scc-srv version or touch
	the specific file in custom to avoid this message.


	scc-smt is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public 
	License. Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Open Challenge B.V.,
	2004-2005 OpenEyeT Professional Services, 2005-2018 QNH, 2019 Siem Korteweg.


	/var/opt/scc-srv/conf/scc-smt-select - specification of SMT-software
	/var/opt/scc-srv/newconfig/scc-smt-select - default specification of SMT-software
	/var/opt/scc-srv/tmp - directory for temporary files
	<dir> - directory for snapshots and log files - general data extracted from snapshots - SMT data extracted from the snapshots
		scc-smt-index.html - main-index to summary of SMT-data
		scc-smt-config.html - HTML version of scc-smt-select
		scc.<hostname>.smt.html - summary of SMT on <hostname>
		scc.<hostname>.cur - snapshots
	<dir>/custom/scc-logo.png - logo to customize HTML-output
	<dir>/custom/scc-realm.conf - configuration for <dir>
	<dir>/custom/scc-smt-select - specific SMT for <dir>


	To select SCC as a System Tool, use the following lines
	in the selection-file:

		fix:software:installed-filesets::# scc


	scc-baseline(1), scc-changes(1), scc-debug(1), scc-pull(1), scc-realm(1),
	scc-receive-mail(1), scc-rules(1), scc-setup(1), scc-smt(1), scc-summary(1),
	scc-syscmp(1), scc-transfer(1), scc-update(1), scc-wrapper.cgi(1), scc.cgi(1),


	$Revision: 6217 $