scc-transfer - move SCC-files from transfer-area to website
scc-srv 1.19.44
scc-transfer [ -m|--minimal ] [ -u|--unpacked <host> ] [ -e|--encrypted ]
[ -l|--log <log> ] [ -s|--source <src_dir> ] [ <dest_dir> ]
Snapshots and log files are sent to scc server by the client
software of SCC. The client software stores the files in a
transfer-area on the scc server. This program determines the new
ownership/permissions of the files in the realm All. Then the files
are moved to this realm. The mode and the owner/group are derived from
the destination directory.
Snapshots (and logfiles) can be large. When they are copied across the
network, it is possible that the server notices a partially copied file
and attempts to uncompress an incomplete file what results in a message
about a corrupt file. To avoid this, the client copies an empty .signal
file before it starts copying the scc-data. When the client is done with
copying the scc-data, the signal file is copied again, this time with
contents "done". This program checks for non-empty signal files to
determine what scc-data it can move.
This program is primarily intended to be used by scc-update. The exit-status
of this program indicates to scc-update whether or not new SCC data has
been transferred to realm and summaries should be (re)generated.
The -u option is intended to transfer unpacked SCC files. The related -m
option can be used for automatic realm assignment when the name of systems
in a realm is used to retrieve all data from a proxy server behind a firewall.
-m|--minimal Requires -u option to transfer/generate minimal
placeholder file for <host>. Existing data files
are not replaced with minimal data.
Snapshot contains hostname and domain (from <host>).
-u|--unpacked <host> transfers unpacked SCC files from <host>:
scc.<host>.cur, scc.<host>.html,
scc.<host>.log, scc.<host>.log.html
-e|--encrypted All mail-transfers should be encrypted
to make a DOS attack slightly more difficult
-l|--log <log> the file for log-messages; default log file is
logging is only enabled when this file exists
-s|--source <src_dir> Source directory for the transfer, default
directory is: /var/opt/scc-srv/data/transfer
SCC data should be in subdirectory 'cp' or 'mail'
unless the -u option is used.
<dest_dir> absolute path of the destination directory for the
received files, make sure that this directory has
the proper permissions when accessed by the
Default directory is: /var/opt/scc-srv/data/www/All
The program issues the following messages to the stderr:
Syntax error, use: scc-transfer [ -m|--minimal ] [ -u|--unpacked <host> ]
[ -e|--encrypted ] [ -l|--log <log> ] [ -s|--source <src_dir> ] [ <dest_dir> ]
A syntax error has been detected and reported.
scc-transfer: Syntax error, missing argument for option: <option>
The argument for <option> is missing.
scc-transfer: missing source-directory: <dir>
scc-transfer: missing destination-directory <dir>
Directory <dir> cannot be accessed.
scc-transfer: missing data for host: <host>
The signal-file for rcp/scp is present, the data-file is absent.
scc-transfer: uudecode not found
The program uses uudecode to decode SCC-data sent via email. On
RedHat, it is part of shar-utils. It should be installed when
SCC-data is sent via email.
scc-transfer: openssl not found
scc-transfer: uncompress/gunzip not found
These programs are required to unpack the SCC-data.
When it is absent, edit the file /var/opt/scc-srv/conf/scc.conf
and alter the contents of the variable SCC_PATH. When you upgraded
from a version of scc-srv prior to 1.4.12, you have to inspect the file
in the newconfig directory.
scc-transfer: missing data for id: <id>
The signal-file for mail/smtp is present, the data-file is absent.
scc-transfer: missing <transfer> in email: <id> from <sender>
The uuencoded mail-file does not contain <transfer>, refer to the
manual page of scc.
scc-transfer: unexpected data from host: <host>:<contents>,
The tar-file for <host> does not contain the expected snapshots,
log files and html-files. The data is preserved in
When multiple hosts send unexpected data, only the data of the last
host is preserved.
scc-transfer: unexpected data from <sender>:<contents>,
The tar-file for encrypted email does not contain the expected files.
Processing continues after saving the data in
When multiple hosts send unexpected data, only the data of the last
host is preserved.
scc-transfer: received empty snapshot and log file from <system>
On <system> scc was used with the -t option to test the transfer.
The files for <system> already on the server are not replaced.
scc-transfer: key-file <key> not found
To decrypt SCC-data sent via email, a private key is used. This
key should be configured in /var/opt/scc-srv/conf/scc.conf using
the keyword: SCC_PRIV_HOST_KEY. When this option is configured, the
file has to exist, even when data is emailed in plain-text.
scc-transfer: saved snapshot and log file for <host> at <date>
The new log file for <host> did not contain the date/time of the
current snapshot. An old recovery after a crash can be the cause
of this. The current snapshot and log file are saved by
appending <date> to the names. These files can be used to check
for a full recovery.
scc-transfer: non-encrypted mail transfer from <sender>
When the -e option is used, all mail transfers should have been
encrypted. The data is removed.
scc-transfer: cannot access scc-cmp in <path>
When a client sends the data of a virtual host for remote comparison
to the scc-srv, scc-cmp and scc-log2html have to be used. Make sure
the proper version of scc is installed on the system in one of the
directories in <path>.
Syntax error, use scc-transfer: scc_msg <sev> <msg>
scc-transfer: scc_msg: unknown severity: <sev>
Internal coding errors have been detected.
scc-transfer: missing directories cp and mail in <source>
The transfer of SCC data to the server is done by by file transfer
or by email. Subdirectories cp and mail indicate how data was sent
and how it should be processed.
scc-transfer: -m option requires -u option
Use the -u option when using the -m option.
The messages are sent to stderr and to the log file, when it exists.
In the log file, the messages are prefixed with the string "ERROR"
and the current date and time.
The following message is only recorded in the log file (when it
INFO scc-transfer: received data from <host>
Data has been received and accepted from <host>.
Syntax errors are indicated by exit status 2, runtime errors
through exit status 1. All errors are reported on stderr.
Exit status 0 indicates successful completion, without any
transfer of SCC-files. Exit status 3 indicates successful transfer
of data
To take a daily snapshot and transfer the files to mysrv, use a
cronjob like:
0 23 * * * /opt/scc/bin/scc scc-transfer@mysrv.mydom
This runs scc daily and transfers the files to mysrv. On this
system the alias file should contain a line like:
scc-transfer: "|/opt/scc-srv/bin/scc-receive-mail "
Note that scc-receive-mail is run through postfix/sendmail, and
does not run as root. On a HP-UX/sendmail system, the program is
launched as daemon/other. Use the appropriate permissions for the
directories and scc-receive-mail. Use scc-srv(5) for a detailed
description of the setup of a scc-server.
To reduce the likelihood of DOS-attacks, you should use a non-obvious
email-alias and not the alias from this documentation.
To transfer the mailed files and generate summaries, use the cronjob:
0 * * * * /opt/scc-srv/bin/scc-update
Using context diff for the scc client on the scc-srv host, implies this
mechanismn also for all hosts without a local diff.
scc-transfer is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public
License. Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Open Challenge B.V.,
2004-2005 OpenEyeT Professional Services, 2005-2018 QNH, 2019 Siem Korteweg.
/var/opt/scc-srv/conf/scc.conf - configuration file
/var/opt/scc-srv/data/transfer - default directory to receive files
cp - subdirectory used for: rcp and scp
mail - subdirectory used for: mail and smtp
error - subdirectory used for erroneous scc-data
/var/opt/scc-srv/data/log/scc-transfer.log - default log file
/var/opt/scc-srv/data/www/All - default realm for scc-files
/var/opt/scc-srv/tmp - directory for temporary files
scc-baseline(1), scc-changes(1), scc-debug(1), scc-pull(1), scc-realm(1),
scc-receive-mail(1), scc-rules(1), scc-setup(1), scc-smt(1), scc-summary(1),
scc-syscmp(1), scc-transfer(1), scc-update(1), scc-wrapper.cgi(1), scc.cgi(1),
$Revision: 6217 $